March 02, 2006


Apparently I just wasn't feeling misanthropic and ranty enough yesterday, because the television elves decided it was a good time to mess with me. Last night I tried to watch Lost and found that it had been pre-empted in favour of the Family Guy. oh, the horror.

I can't express how much I hate the Family Guy. It's like the only reason they bother to produce the show is to annoy me personally. And I can't seem to escape it. As soon as someone finally cancelled it, a cult following rose up and flooded the world with t-shirts and posters and DVDs. Enough of this crap sells that the show gets resurrected and ends up on TV again. Now we've reached the point were NO ONE IS SAFE. Apparently, someone has decided to just ditch the whole schedule and just show the Family Guy all the time.

The whole scenario reeks of some kind of elaborate conspiracy.

I need a nap

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