March 04, 2006


Went out last night to see controller.controller at the Warehouse. I saw them last year, opening for Death From Above 1979, and wasn't too into them, but Shawn wanted to check it out. First we saw You Say Party! We Say Die! who were absolutely terrible, although sort of fascinating in their awfulness.

They do a demented type of new wave dance with chanty lyrics and lots of hand claps. They're still learning their instruments and figuring out how to play as a band and if it wasn't the in-unison singing, you'd swear they were all playing different songs. It's been a while since I've seen a band this young and bad and it was kinda fun. Actually, it made me wish I could be an all-ages kid today instead of the early 90s. Crappy new wave punk dance looks way more exciting and fun to watch than crappy angsty grunge and earnest punk. And there was no flannel to be seen.

The first time I saw controller.controller they reminded me of Rough Trade.
Which, well, how scary is that? And I had High School Confidential stuck in my head for days. This time they didn't bring up scary, long-buried Carole Pope memories, but I still wasn't really into them. The lead singer is pretty sexy, but other than that I was more interested in the crowd. I love all the mini Pat Benatars wandering around these days...

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